Auction Every Thursday at 11am!
Services provided at Rochester-Syracuse Auto Auction
- Four lanes of hot auction action!
- 400 plus cars and trucks every week
- 65% or higher selling ratio
- Fleet lease, repossessions, and daily rental vehicles
- Excellent selection of new and used car dealer trades every week
- Over 300 buyers and sellers each week
- Online bidding
- Auction Access for easy registration and buying
- First Class auctioneers
- Weekly marketing via phone, fax and mail
- Pick up and delivery services
- Financing provided by Automotive Finance Corporation, NextGear Financial, Auto Use, CAR Financial, GM Financial, Kinetic
- Armchair Selling (Let R.S.A.A. do all the work for you)
- Free Auto Check provided
- Full service Clean Up Shop
- Staff and Service second to none
- Free Storage for Financial and Lease Companies